Galaxy 1. Future of Information & Communication Technologies

Language: English
Sergei Dolzhenkov is a Social psychologist, business consultant, entrepreneur. He began his career in 2003. The main areas of professional interests are: organization of events, organizational consulting and new technologies of loyalty, Participated in the creation of educational systems for TD “Narodny”, KD Kulikovsky TM Beeline Kyrgyzstan, Organizer of the International Festival of Advertising and PR Red Jolbors Fest 2012 – 2015, Event Award Central Asia 2016, Actively participates in public life of the city and country. The author and coordinator of the project “Road Triangle” – the formation of a culture of the road, the moderator of the “Forum of Cities”, “Mekendeshter”, “Urban Data Hackathon”, “Enactus KG”. Actively applies the gamification in business processes building and brand image. Currently uses 27 methods and approaches, some of which are copyright. During the last three years, it is actively developing in the direction of tourism and has a hostel in the city of Karakol. Plans include the creation of a tourist center with infrastructure for retreats and spectacular cultural events. In an active search for competent partners. A fan of green technology. He dreams to create a zone of perspective development, which will become a laboratory of environmental technologies and a training base for translating values and principles of harmonious development. Sure that the country’s natural potential is ideally suited for the implementation of such an international project. Sergey is one of the first events managers of the country, and today he is co-owner of the leading MICE company in Kyrgyzstan in the field of corporate training and inspiration “Sun House Team”. The company plans to enter the international market and create unique game products to promote the business goals of customers. Currently he lives in Bishkek with his beloved family.
Website: http://www.sunhouseteam.com

Hany Mahmoud
Former Minister &
Chairman at Vodafone

Karin Kschwendt
Head of Human Resources & Technical Support at Austrian Federal Computing Centre

Adam Ambrozy
CEO at Innential.com, Founder & Team Coach at Make Team Work

Edgar Karapetyan
Strategy & Business Development Officer at Galaxy Group of Companies
Galaxy 2. Future of Aviation, Travel & Tourism

Language: English
In 2017 Susan Simons started two new small businesses. The first is an event space management company while the second is a fashion accessories company. Both of these businesses were born out of a belief that people thrive when they are connected, appreciated and confident. Outside of her businesses, Ms. Simons facilitates in at least two leadership development academies a year. Since 2011 she has participated in delivering 14 such immersive programs in four regions- Southeast Asia (SEALA), the Middle East (MELA), Central Eurasia (CELA), and the United States (SIBF-LA). Ms. Simons’ passion for supporting the growth and development of the individuals, organizations, and communities she works with drives every aspect of her work. Ms. Simons began her career creating Internet business and marketing strategies for regional and mid-size companies. She then co-founded and was CEO of Clinetic, a pioneering electronic medical technology company. She served in government as an elected member of the Charleston County School Board. She worked in multiple political campaigns, primarily on the fundraising side. In the public sector, Susan has consulted with and served on the boards of numerous nonprofits. Ms. Simons received her BA from Brown University and her MA from The Fletcher School, Tufts University. Ms. Simons is a member of the International Leadership Association and the International Association of Facilitators. She resides in Charleston, SC with her husband, John Hagerty, while their three children have scattered around the globe.

Saberi Sepawi
Master NLP Coach and Time Line Therapy practitioner

Said Al-Shanfari
CEO at Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre

Antonio Petrucci
General Manager at Grand Hotel Yerevan
Galaxy 3. Future of Professional Services

Language: English
BPI Group Executive Coach, Change Professional Poland Magdalena is an executive coach, passionate about creating an environment that supports creative development processes, innovation, and change. For 10+ years she has been working extensively within energy, logistics, health care, global shared services, transportation and legal advisory industries, coaching and mentoring top managers in the fields of change management, leadership, team development, social skills, and customer relationship. She occupied top managerial positions in international companies, and now has shifted focus to executive coaching and process-oriented psychology. She is certified in various coaching, training and assessment tools& methods aimed at individuals, teams and organizations, to help them change successfully.
Website: http://bpi-group.pl

Shushan Harutyunyan
Chief Communications Officer at Galaxy Group of Companies

Sopho Chachava
Professor, Mediator, Trainer, at New Vision University

Lina Strygina
Leading Partner at Center for Organizational Development "HR Consulting"
Galaxy 4. Future of Financial Services & Investors

Language: English
Krzystof is a president of BPI Polska, part of an international BPI Group and Prosci Global Affiliate Network, specialized in Change Management. For 15 years has been conducting business transformation projects and advising Management Boards& HR Executives on the implementation of various types of changes in telecom, FMCG, health care, power generation, railway, airline, financial, construction and other industries. He is certified Advanced PROSCI instructor in Change Management. Currently involved in the development of the Global Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) in Europe and in Poland. He is also an executive coach (ICC certified) and lecturer of postgraduate& MBA studies on change management, leadership development and strategy implementation. Public speaker on change management at ACMP, PMI and HR events& conferences.
Website: http://bpi-group.pl/

Yergali Begimbetov
CEO and Board member at Amanat Insurance Company

Rada Hrout
Human Resources Manager

Burastan Movsisyan
Director of IT Department, member of Management Board at VTB Bank Armenia

Mikhail Broyan
Chief Investment Officer at Galaxy Group of Companies
Galaxy 5. Future of Consumer

Language: English
Dr. Sergey Tantushyan is professor at the American University of Armenia, trainer and facilitator. Sergey was formerly a Deputy CEO at IDeA Foundation, a major philanthropic organization undertaking headline development projects in Armenia. He has a management consulting background with 15 years of experience in strategic planning, project implementation, and strategy advice, in New York, Yerevan and Moscow.
He has worked at the Central Bank of Armenia and served as a consultant at the OSCE office in Yerevan. Sergey’s private sector experience includes management positions in investment and consulting companies in Russia, from 2005 to 2007. Back in Armenia, Sergey headed the Strategy Development Division of AmeriaBank in Yerevan from 2007 to 2009, and thereafter pursued his MBA in Boston. Before returning to Armenia in 2012, he worked as an Economist at The Conference Board in New York.
In addition to his 2011 MBA from Brandeis International Business School in Boston, MA, Sergey also holds an MSc in Economics from Yerevan State University, an MCLS from AUA, and a Doctorate degree in Finance and Economics from the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. As a 2006 Fulbright Fellow, he pursued studies in Strategic Development and Global Economy at Dickinson College, Pennsylvania. Sergey is also an alumnus of the Eurasia Executive Leadership Program (2008), University of Cambridge, UK. In 2009, he became a Sauvé Scholar and Academic trainee at McGill University, Canada.
Website: https://tantushyan.livejournal.com

Hayk Kocharov
Group Commercial Executive Officer at TI’ME (Armenia, Georgia, Belarus)

Diana Hovhannisyan
Executive Director Marketing at Laboratoire Naturel SA